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The Bluegrass State

Kentucky, officially the Commonwealth of Kentucky, is a state located in the east south-central region of the United States. Although styled as the "State of Kentucky" in the law creating it, Kentucky is one of four U.S. states constituted as a commonwealth (the others being Virginia, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts). Originally a part of Virginia, in 1792 Kentucky became the 15th state to join the United States. Kentucky is the 37th most extensive and the 26th most populous of the 50 United States.

Geographical type: Territory

Latitude: 37.5° N — Longitude: 85° W

Area: 104,659 km²

ISO 3166-2 code: US-KY

Birthplace of

David Boaz, David Douglas Boaz, in Mayfield, on 29 Aug 1953
Abraham Lincoln, in Sinking Spring Farm, on 12 Feb 1809

Home To

Libertarian Party of Kentucky, Independence

Measures of Freedom

Freedom in the 50 States
2023: Overall rank: 28, economic freedom: 20, fiscal policy: 29, regulatory policy: 13, personal freedom: 47
LP State-by-State Membership Numbers [PDF], Libertarian Party News, Apr 2006
31 Dec 2005: Number of Members: 115


Drug War Dementia, by James Bovard, Freedom Daily, Nov 1996
Details various police, military and school actions and legislation in the government's war on users of certain banned substances, and the generally unrecognized side effects of these policies
Each year since 1990, Kentucky residents have witnessed numerous sweeps by the National Guard through the poorest areas of the state: military helicopters buzz low over people's homes and terrify children and farm animals. High Times, a magazine devoted to cannabis production, noted: "Indignation reached a peak in October [1990] when growers, fed up with helicopter raids and the Guard's occupation army, blew up a Kentucky State Police radio tower near Mozelle in Leslie County. The explosion disrupted communications in the area for about a week."
Give Me Liberty [PDF], by Rose Wilder Lane, 1936
Originally published as an article titled "Credo" in the Saturday Evening Post; describes her experiences in and history of Soviet Russia and Europe, contrasting them with the history of the United States, emphasizing the individualist themes
Consider the settlement of Kentucky. Henderson's Land Company did that. The government wished to curb and restrain western settlement; it went too fast, it was too lawless, it threatened rebellion against the United States and trouble with Spain ... And Judge Henderson saw a chance to make a fortune. He sold Kentucky land to the settlers, on credit, and he would have made a fortune if they had paid for it. They didn't; they drove off his installment collectors with guns. The Henderson Land Company failed in the depression of the 1790's. But Kentucky was settled.

The introductory paragraph uses material from the Wikipedia article "Kentucky" as of 31 Oct 2018, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.