Human beings, each considered as a single actor within society
Featured Individuals
- Rand, Ayn (1905-1982) - Objectivist philosopher, novelist
- Read, Leonard (1898-1983) - Founder of the Foundation for Economic Education
- Rothbard, Murray N. (1926-1995) - Economist of the Austrian School, author of Man, Economy, and State (1962) and For a New Liberty (1973)
Notable Individuals
- Raico, Ralph (1936-2016) - American professor of history
- Raimondo, Justin (1951-2019) - Editorial director of
- Ravenal, Earl (1931-2019) - Professor emeritus of International Relations at Georgetown University
- Reagan, Ronald (1911-2004) - Hollywood actor, fortieth president of the United States
- Reed, Lawrence (1953- ) - President of the Foundation for Economic Education, President Emeritus of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy
- Reisman, George (1937- ) - Professor of economics, author of Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics
- Ricardo, David (1772-1823) - 18th/19th century British economist
- Rich, Andrea (1939-2018) - Former owner of Laissez Faire Books
- Richman, Sheldon (1949- ) - Executive editor of The Libertarian Institute, former editor of The Freeman and former vice president of the Future of Freedom Foundation
- Riggenbach, Jeff (1947-2021) - Journalist, broadcaster, columnist, former executive editor of The Libertarian Review
- Rockwell, Lew (1944- ) - President of the Ludwig von Mises Institute and editor of
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. (1882-1945) - Thirty-second president of the United States
- Roosevelt, Theodore (1858-1919) - Twenty-sixth president of the United States
- Röpke, Wilhelm (1899-1966) - 20th century German economist
- Ruwart, Mary (1949- ) - Pharmaceutical research scientist, author of Healing Our World, 2008 LP presidential aspirant
Other Individuals
- Rabushka, Alvin (1940- ) - Political scientist, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution
- Rains, Claude (1889-1967) - British-born actor with a long career in Hollywood films
- Ramsay, David (1749-1815) - American historian, author of History of the American Revolution (1789)
- Ramsey, Ron - American high-school student who in 1955 wrote letters to the Los Angeles Times criticizing the United Nations
- Raper, Matthew (1742-1826) - English antiquarian, Fellow of the Royal Society
- Rascoe, Burton (1892-1957) - American journalist, editor and critic at the New York Herald Tribune
- Ray, Brian D. - Founder of the National Home Education Research Institute
- Rayburn, Sam (1882-1961) - Politician, member of the United States House of Representatives from Texas (1913-1961)
- Raymond, Eric S. (1957- ) - Open source software advocate, author of The Cathedral and the Bazaar
- Raynal, Guillaume-Thomas (1713-1796) - French priest, author of Histoire des deux Indes (1770)
- Reece, B. Carroll (1889-1961) - Politician, member of the United States House of Representatives from Tennesse (1921-1931, 1933-1947, 1951-1961)
- Reed, Chauncey W. (1890-1956) - Politician, member of the United States House of Representatives from Illinois (1935-1956)
- Reed, Daniel A. (1875-1959) - Politician, member of the United States House of Representatives from New York (1919-1959)
- Reed, James A. (1861-1944) - Politician, United States senator from Missouri (1911-1929)
- Reese, Charley (1937-2013) - Journalist and syndicated columnist
- Regis, Ed (1944- ) - American philosopher and author
- Rémusat, Abel (1788-1832) - French sinologist
- Reuther, Walter (1907-1970) - American labor leader, president of the United Automobile Workers (1946-1970
- Reynolds, Alan - Economist, senior fellow at the Cato Institute
- Rhee, Syngman (이승만; 1875-1965) - Korean politician, president of South Korea (1948-1960)
- Richards, James P. (1894-1979) - Politician, member of the United States House of Representatives from South Carolina (1933-1957)
- Ringer, Robert (1938- ) - Best selling author (Winning Through Intimidation, Looking Out for #1)
- Ritchie, Albert (1876-1936) - Politician, governor of Maryland (1920-1935)
- Rivers, Johnny (1942- ) - American rock and roll musician
- Rivers, Reggie (1968- ) - Denver Broncos running back
- Robbins, Lionel (1898-1984) - 20th century British economist
- Robertson, Oscar (1938- ) - The "Big O", Basketball Hall of Famer, head of NBA Players Union 1965-74
- Roberts, Paul Craig (1939- ) - Economist, columnist, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy (1981-1982)
- Robespierre, Maximilien (1758-1794) - French lawyer and revolutionary
- Rodgers, T. J. (1948- ) - Co-founder and CEO of Cypress Semiconductor Corp.
- Rodman, Dennis (1961- ) - Professional basketball player, NBA leader in rebounds for seven consecutive seasons
- Rogers, Jim (1942- ) - Founder with George Soros of the Quantum Fund
- Rohrabacher, Dana (1947- ) - Republican congressman from California
- Ronsard, Pierre de (1524-1585) - French poet of the La Pléiade group, author of La Franciade
- Root, Wayne Allyn (1961- ) - Sports handicapper, co-founder, chairman and CEO of GWIN Inc.
- Rosemond, John (1947- ) - American family psychologist and syndicated columnist
- Rosen, Charles (1927-2012) - Pianist and writer, author of The Classical Style (1971)
- Rosenthal, Daniel M. - Investment author, editor of the Silver & Gold Report
- Rossetto, Louis (1949- ) - Founder and past publisher of Wired magazine
- Ross, Katharine (1940- ) - American film and stage actress
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778) - French philosopher and writer, author of Du contrat social (1762)
- Royal, Lauren (1965- ) - American historical romance novelist
- Rozeff, Michael S. - Professor of Finance at the State University of New York at Buffalo
- Rueff, Jacques (1896-1978) - 20th century French economist
- Rühle, Jürgen (1924-1986) - German journalist, author and television editor
- Ruprecht, David (1948- ) - Host of the "Supermarket Sweep" game show
- Rush, Geoffrey (1951- ) - Australian film and stage actor, winner of an Oscar for best actor
- Russell, Bertrand (1872-1970) - British mathematician and analytic philosopher, awarded Nobel Prize in Literature
- Russell Jr., Richard (1897-1971) - Politician, United States senator from Georgia (1933-1971)
- Russell, Kurt (1951- ) - Film actor, played Snake Plissken in the Escape From New York/L.A. movies
- Russo, Aaron (1943-2007) - Oscar winning producer, 2004 Libertarian Presidential aspirant
- Ruth, Babe (1895-1948) - American baseball player, scored 714 home runs during his career
- Rutsey, John (1952-2008) - Drummer (1968-1974) and founding member of the band Rush
- Ryskind, Morrie (1895-1985) - American stage and screen writer