The Future of Freedom Foundation (FFF) is an educational organization founded in 1989 by Jacob Hornberger with the aim of presenting an uncompromising moral and economic case for individual liberty and limited government. It has published a monthly journal, Future of Freedom (originally titled Freedom Daily) since 1990.
In addition to Hornberger, who acts as president, FFF has had Richard Ebeling as vice president of academic affairs (1989-2003), Sheldon Richman as senior fellow and later vice president, and James Bovard as policy advisor.
Fairfax, Virginia
Staff and Associates
James BovardPolicy Adviser
Richard EbelingFounder; Vice President of Academic Affairs, 1989-2003
Anthony GregoryPolicy Adviser
Jacob G. HornbergerFounder, President
Scott McPhersonPolicy Adviser
Sheldon RichmanVice President, 2012-2015; Senior fellow, 1996-2012
Sections include: blog, daily articles, monthly journal archive, weekly video commentary ("The Libertarian Angle"), "Freedom Fighters" (thinkers, authors and other advocates of freedom) and store
Sections include: blog, daily articles, monthly journal archive, weekly video commentary ("The Libertarian Angle"), "Freedom Fighters" (thinkers, authors and other advocates of freedom) and store
Web Pages
The Future of Freedom Foundation - YouTube
YouTube channel of the Future of Freedom Foundation
YouTube channel of the Future of Freedom Foundation
Interview with Jim Bovard, by James Bovard, Sunni Maravillosa, Apr 2006
Extensive dialogue (13 web pages), from Jim's first paid writing to an upcoming book, the publishing industry, the Future of Freedom Foundation, his books, radio hosts and much more
Extensive dialogue (13 web pages), from Jim's first paid writing to an upcoming book, the publishing industry, the Future of Freedom Foundation, his books, radio hosts and much more
Sunni: ... you regularly contribute to the Future of Freedom Foundation ...
Jim: I have paper affiliations with quite a few places; the Future of Freedom Foundation is the only organization for which I regularly write. Lew Rockwell kindly picks up many of the pieces I have done for FFF. Jacob Hornberger has done a great job of standing on principle since 9/11, and before ...
Sunni: I haven't kept up with FFF since leaving Free-Market.Net, but I agree with you on Bumper; I have a lot of respect for him.
Jim: I have paper affiliations with quite a few places; the Future of Freedom Foundation is the only organization for which I regularly write. Lew Rockwell kindly picks up many of the pieces I have done for FFF. Jacob Hornberger has done a great job of standing on principle since 9/11, and before ...
Sunni: I haven't kept up with FFF since leaving Free-Market.Net, but I agree with you on Bumper; I have a lot of respect for him.
Up from Serfdom, by Jacob Hornberger, 9 Apr 2010
Response to criticism by David Boaz on "Up From Slavery" (6 Apr 2010) to Hornberger's "Liberal Delusions about Freedom" (Freedom Daily, Nov 2009)
Response to criticism by David Boaz on "Up From Slavery" (6 Apr 2010) to Hornberger's "Liberal Delusions about Freedom" (Freedom Daily, Nov 2009)
[E]ver since our inception ..., The Future of Freedom Foundation has focused not on proposals designed to reform, modify, improve, or reduce the welfare state, regulatory state, and warfare state but instead on raising people's vision to a much higher level, one that focuses on the libertarian principles of a free society and a constitutional republic—e.g., the separation of economy and the state, of health care and the state, and of education and the state; the right to keep and bear arms; the protection of civil liberties; and the restoration of a noninterventionist foreign policy.
Related Topics: David Boaz, United States
Future of Freedom
Monthly journal of libertarian essays (formerly Freedom Daily)
Monthly journal of libertarian essays (formerly Freedom Daily)
Books Published
The Case for Free Trade and Open Immigration
by Richard Ebeling (editor), Jacob G. Hornberger (editor), The Future of Freedom Foundation, 1995
Collection of essays by Ebeling, Hornberger, Samuel Bostaph, Jim Bovard, W.M. Curtiss, Bettina Bien Greaves, William M. Law, Ludwig von Mises, Leonard Read, Lawrence W. Reed, Gregory F. Rehmke, Sheldon Richman and Ron K. Unz
by Richard Ebeling (editor), Jacob G. Hornberger (editor), The Future of Freedom Foundation, 1995
Collection of essays by Ebeling, Hornberger, Samuel Bostaph, Jim Bovard, W.M. Curtiss, Bettina Bien Greaves, William M. Law, Ludwig von Mises, Leonard Read, Lawrence W. Reed, Gregory F. Rehmke, Sheldon Richman and Ron K. Unz
Related Topic: Trade
- ISBN 0964044749: Hardcover, Future of Freedom Foundation, 1995
- ISBN 0964044730: Paperback, Hillsdale College Press, 1995
The Dangers of Socialized Medicine
by Richard Ebeling (editor), Jacob G. Hornberger (editor), The Future of Freedom Foundation, 1994
Collection of essays by Ebeling, Hornberger, Dominick T. Armentano, Williamson M. Evers, Milton Friedman, Lawrence W. Reed, Sheldon Richman, David B. Rivkin Jr., Thomas S. Szasz, Lawrence D. Wilson and Jarret B. Wollstein
by Richard Ebeling (editor), Jacob G. Hornberger (editor), The Future of Freedom Foundation, 1994
Collection of essays by Ebeling, Hornberger, Dominick T. Armentano, Williamson M. Evers, Milton Friedman, Lawrence W. Reed, Sheldon Richman, David B. Rivkin Jr., Thomas S. Szasz, Lawrence D. Wilson and Jarret B. Wollstein
Related Topic: Health care
- ISBN 0964044706: Paperback, Future of Freedom Foundation, 1994
The Failure of America's Foreign Wars
by Richard Ebeling (editor), Jacob G. Hornberger (editor), The Future of Freedom Foundation, 1996
Collection of essays by Ebeling, Hornberger, Doug Bandow, Robert Higgs, Simon Jenkins, James Madison, Ralph Raico, Sheldon Richman, Wesley Allen Riddle, Joseph Sobran, Herbert Spencer, William Graham Sumner and Daniel Webster
by Richard Ebeling (editor), Jacob G. Hornberger (editor), The Future of Freedom Foundation, 1996
Collection of essays by Ebeling, Hornberger, Doug Bandow, Robert Higgs, Simon Jenkins, James Madison, Ralph Raico, Sheldon Richman, Wesley Allen Riddle, Joseph Sobran, Herbert Spencer, William Graham Sumner and Daniel Webster
Related Topic: War
- ISBN 0964044757: Hardcover, Future of Freedom Foundation, 1996
- ISBN 0964044765: Paperback, Future of Freedom Foundation, 1996
Separating School & State: How to Liberate America's Families
by Sheldon Richman, The Future of Freedom Foundation, 1994
Partial table of contents: W(h)ither Public Schools? - What's Wrong With Public Schools - Why There Are Public Schools - Opponents of Public Schools - Without Public Schools - Appendix: The State of Public Schools
by Sheldon Richman, The Future of Freedom Foundation, 1994
Partial table of contents: W(h)ither Public Schools? - What's Wrong With Public Schools - Why There Are Public Schools - Opponents of Public Schools - Without Public Schools - Appendix: The State of Public Schools
Related Topic: Educational freedom
- ISBN 0964044714: Hardcover, Future of Freedom Foundation, 1994
- Kindle Book available at Amazon
- ISBN 0964044722: Paperback, Future of Freedom Foundation, 1994
Tethered Citizens: Time to Repeal the Welfare State
by Ron Paul (foreword), Sheldon Richman, The Future of Freedom Foundation, 2001
Partial table of contents: What the Welfare State Really Is - Didn't We Vote For it? - How It Started - The Idea of the Welfare State in America - What About the Poor? - Time to Abolish the Welfare State
by Ron Paul (foreword), Sheldon Richman, The Future of Freedom Foundation, 2001
Partial table of contents: What the Welfare State Really Is - Didn't We Vote For it? - How It Started - The Idea of the Welfare State in America - What About the Poor? - Time to Abolish the Welfare State
Related Topic: The State
- ISBN 1890687014: Hardcover, Future of Freedom Foundation, 2001
- Kindle Book available at Amazon
- ISBN 1890687022: Paperback, Future of Freedom Foundation, 2001
The Tyranny of Gun Control
by Richard Ebeling (Editor, contributor), Jacob G. Hornberger (Editor, contributor), The Future of Freedom Foundation, 1997
Shows why gun control poses a threat to liberty; a collection of essays by Ebeling, Hornberger, James Bovard, Richard J. Davis, John L. Egolf Jr., Benedict D. LaRosa, Sheldon Richman and Jarret Wollstein
by Richard Ebeling (Editor, contributor), Jacob G. Hornberger (Editor, contributor), The Future of Freedom Foundation, 1997
Shows why gun control poses a threat to liberty; a collection of essays by Ebeling, Hornberger, James Bovard, Richard J. Davis, John L. Egolf Jr., Benedict D. LaRosa, Sheldon Richman and Jarret Wollstein
Related Topic: Right to Keep and Bear Arms
- ISBN 1890687006: Hardcover, Future of Freedom Foundation, 1998
- ISBN 0964044773: Paperback, Future of Freedom Foundation, 1997
Your Money or Your Life: Why We Must Abolish the Income Tax
by Sheldon Richman, The Future of Freedom Foundation, 1999
Partial table of contents: The Permanent War - The Immorality of the Income Tax - Who's the Master? Who's the Servant? - The Income Tax Makes You Poorer - How We Got the Income Tax - Let's Abolish the Income Tax - Appendix: Beware Income Tax Casuistry
by Sheldon Richman, The Future of Freedom Foundation, 1999
Partial table of contents: The Permanent War - The Immorality of the Income Tax - Who's the Master? Who's the Servant? - The Income Tax Makes You Poorer - How We Got the Income Tax - Let's Abolish the Income Tax - Appendix: Beware Income Tax Casuistry
Related Topic: Taxation
- ISBN 0964044781: Hardcover, Future of Freedom Foundation, 1999
- Kindle Book available at Amazon
- ISBN 096404479X: Paperback, Future of Freedom Foundation, 1999