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Co-founder, editor and publisher of Liberty (1987) magazine
R. W. Bradford

Raymond William "Bill" Bradford (28 September 1947 – 8 December 2005), who used R. W. Bradford as his pen name, was an American writer chiefly known for editing, publishing and writing for the libertarian magazine Liberty.


20 Sep 1947, Raymond William Bradford, in Detroit, Michigan


8 Dec 2005, in Port Townsend, Washington


Advocates for Self-Government, Board of Advisors
Eris Society, 1997, "Comments on the 10th Anniversary of Liberty Magazine, conceived and founded at Eris"

Web Pages

Advocates for Self-Government - Libertarian Education: R.W. Bradford (1947-2005)
Biography, photo, quotes and memorial quotes from others
William (R.W.) Bradford was the founder and editor of Liberty magazine, one of the preeminent publications in the libertarian movement. ... Bradford called himself a libertarian since 1963, when he was 'infected by the libertarian virus' after reading a copy of the New Individualist Review, according to an account he wrote in Liberty (September 1992). In 1965, Bradford encountered the writings of novelist and philosopher Ayn Rand; in 1966, he was part of the libertarian faction that split from Young Americans for Freedom; and in the early 1970s, he was involved in the founding of the Libertarian Party.


Why Liberty?, Liberty, 5 Jul 1987
First (and only) editorial, discusses the three different kinds of existing libertarian periodicals, what areas and issues Liberty was going to address and who the founders were
The editors of Liberty are a diverse lot ... [T]wo of us (Bradford and Casey) are entrepreneurs and financial advisory writers ... [T]wo of us (Cox and Bradford) have supported the LP since its inception but only recently joined the party ... [T]hree of us (Cox, Overbeek and Bradford) are Classical Liberals more or less in the utilitarian tradition ... But all of us agree on two points: 1) We believe that the role of government in people's lives should be radically reduced or eliminated altogether ... 2) We believe that libertarians need an "inreach" journal—a periodical in which to sort out their differences, share their experiences, etc.


How We Started "Liberty", Liberty, Sep 1992
Reflections on the fifth anniversary of publishing Liberty
The first issue of Liberty was published on July 5, 1987. The tiny staff of the new periodical, consisting of Steve Cox, Timothy Virkkala, Kathy Bradford, and me (Bill Bradford), spent over a month editing and laying out the issue. But the business of launching Liberty took far longer and involved far more work ... Writers whose work has appeared in Liberty constitute a virtual "Who's Who" of the libertarian movement ... Above all, we have striven to maintain the highest editorial quality, still holding as our highest goal the publication of good writing that "interests the intelligent, thoughtful libertarian."
The Life and Death of Peter McWilliams [PDF], Liberty, Aug 2000
Tribute to McWilliams, relates his life from 1996 until his death in June 2000, from being unable to use marijuana to alleviate the nausea caused by AIDS and cancer drugs
On June 14, Natalie Fisher went to Peter McWilliams' home, where she worked as housekeeper to the wheelchair-bound victim of AIDS and cancer. In the bathroom on the second floor, she found his life-less body. He had choked to death on his own vomit ... Rather than belabor his tragic death, Liberty will celebrate his life by publishing for the first time the full text of his address to the Libertarian Party National Convention in 1998. It's vintage Peter McWilliams: funny, wise, charming, intelligent, full of piss and vinegar. I invite you to read and enjoy it ...
New Zealand's New Zealots, Liberty, Mar 1997
Examines the two New Zealand political parties with libertarian tendencies—the Association of Consumers and Taxpayers (ACT) and the Libertarianz, including the animosity between them; addendum to the main article "Revolution in a Small Country"
If by "libertarian," we mean a person who favors radically reducing the power of government, then it is safe to say that libertarians are vastly more influential and prominent in New Zealand than in the United States. New Zealand has two different libertarian political parties ...
[W]hether it would be possible for the Libertarianz and ACT factions to cease their hostilities I am not sure. The Libertarianz are committed to a much more radical agenda than is ACT. For Roger Douglas, politics has always been the art of the possible, and ACT reflects this more incrementalist approach.
Voting Is No Sin [PDF], Liberty, Nov 1996
Bill Bradford's response to Wendy McElroy's "Why I Would Not Vote Against Hitler" essay, published in Liberty, May 1996
Over the past two years, a lot of Liberty's ink has been devoted to arguing that participation in the political process is immoral ... John Pugsley offered an eight-page argument against voting in general and Harry Browne's ... campaign in particular ... Wendy McElroy presented a more concise argument against voting, which she emphatically restated in "Why I Would Not Vote Against Hitler" ... There are many roads that lead to a freer world. Some of us prefer one over another. Some of us progress further along some roads than we would by following others. But it behooves us to remember that the road we choose is not the only road.
Why Liberty?, by R. W. Bradford, Doug Casey, Stephen Cox, Ross Overbeek, Murray N. Rothbard, Liberty, 5 Jul 1987
First (and only) editorial, discusses the three different kinds of existing libertarian periodicals, what areas and issues Liberty was going to address and who the founders were
Does the world really need another libertarian magazine? There already exists a variety of libertarian periodicals, ranging from local newsletters to national magazines, from personal "zines" to scholarly journals. Given the limited resources ..., the number of libertarian publications is impressive ... [A]ll of us agree on two points: 1) We believe that the role of government in people's lives should be radically reduced or eliminated altogether (thus we are libertarians); 2) We believe that libertarians need an "inreach" journal—a periodical in which to sort out their differences, share their experiences, etc.

Interviews (interviewer)

An Interview with Michael Badnarik, by Michael Badnarik, R. W. Bradford, Liberty, Aug 2004
Badnarik answers questions ranging from basic biographical information to his classes on the Constitution, and in a follow-up, his responses to Fox News, his taxes, zip codes, Gary Nolan and Aaron Russo
Liberty: Tell me a little bit about yourself. Where'd you come from? What sort of education did you get?
Badnarik: I grew up in Hammond, Ind., just outside Chicago. I went to Indiana University, where I ... majored in chemistry. I got a job at a nuclear plant in Zion, Ill. ...
Liberty: ... [Y]ou're trying to take care of that IRS problem.
Badnarik: Well, the IRS wants money. They don't necessarily want me in jail, they just want compliance. I intend to start paying them the money ... [O]nce I'm finished with the election after November, I will pick up my battle with the IRS again.

The introductory paragraph uses material from the Wikipedia article "R. W. Bradford" as of 3 Jan 2018, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.