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Freedom Circle

Where Can You Find Freedom Today?

Written, aural and visual compositions by writers and other artists

A creative work is a manifestation of creative effort including fine artwork (sculpture, paintings, drawing, sketching, performance art), dance, writing (literature), filmmaking, and musical composition. Creative works require a creative mindset and are not typically rendered in an arbitrary fashion although some works demonstrate a degree of arbitrariness, such that it is improbable that two people would independently create the same work. At its base, creative work involves two main steps—having an idea, and then turning that idea into a substantive form or process. The creative process can involve one or more individuals.

Featured Works

  • Law, The - Pamphlet by Bastiat in which he argued the law becomes perverted when used to violate individual rights
  • Man, Economy, and State - Economic treatise by Murray Rothbard published in 1962
  • Schindler's List - 1993 Oscar-winning movie about a German businessman who saved Polish Jews from Auschwitz

By Type

  • Books - Significant written expositions of freedom and other concepts
  • Documents - Milestone records and writings in the history of freedom
  • Essays - Short written compositions, such as essays, articles, papers, pamphlets or short stories
  • Films - Moving pictures representing fictional or real-life events
  • Periodicals - Publications issued at regular intervals, such as magazines and journals
  • Television Shows - A television program usually broadcast on a regular weekly schedule

The introductory paragraph uses material from the Wikipedia article "Creative work" as of 10 Nov 2018, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.