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Freedom Circle

Where Can You Find Freedom Today?

Human beings, each considered as a single actor within society

Featured Individuals

Notable Individuals

Other Individuals

  • Babeuf, François-Noël (1760-1797) - French journalist and revolutionary, organizer of the Conjuration des Égaux
  • Baden, John - Founder and Chairman of Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment
  • Badnarik, Michael (1954-2022) - Software engineer, 2004 Libertarian Presidential candidate
  • Bagge, Peter (1957- ) - American cartoonist, creator of the comic book series Hate
  • Bagnell, Douglas B. (1899-1983) - American political functionary, administrator at the Commodity Exchange Authority of the United States Department of Agriculture
  • Baïf, Jean-Antoine de (1532-1589) - French poet of the La Pléiade group
  • Bailey, Covert (1931- ) - Best-selling fitness author, creator of the "Fit of Fat" books and programs
  • Bailey, Pearl (1918-1990) - Actress and singer, honored with the 1976 Screen Actors Guild Life Achievement Award
  • Bailey, Ronald (1953- ) - Science correspondent for Reason and author of The End of Doom: Environmental Renewal in the Twenty-first Century (2015)
  • Bakunin, Mikhail (Михаи́л Алекса́ндрович Баку́нин; 1814-1876) - Russian revolutionary anarchist
  • Baldwin, James (1924-1987) - Writer and civil rights activist, author of Go Tell It on the Mountain (1953)
  • Balfour, Frederic H. (1846-1909) - British sinologist, author of Taoist Texts (1884)
  • Balko, Radley (1975- ) - Journalist, author of Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces (2013)
  • Balsam, Martin (1919-1996) - American actor, winner of Oscar for supporting role in A Thousand Clowns
  • Barden, Graham Arthur (1896-1967) - Politician, member of the United States House of Representatives from North Carolina (1935-1961)
  • Barger, Sonny (1938-2022) - Founding member of the Oakland Hells Angels, author
  • Barker, Ernest (1874-1960) - English political scientist, professor at Cambridge
  • Barnes, Harry Elmer (1889-1968) - American historian, author of Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace (1969)
  • Barr, Bob (1948- ) - Former U.S. Representative from Georgia, 2008 Libertarian Party presidential candidate
  • Barro, Robert (1944- ) - Professor of economics at Harvard University
  • Barry, Dave (1947- ) - Author and syndicated humor columnist
  • Bast, Joseph (1958- ) - President and CEO of The Heartland Institute
  • Baumgarth, William (1946- ) - Professor of political science at Fordham University
  • Beall, James Glenn (1894-1971) - Politician, United States senator from Maryland (1953-1965)
  • Beard, Charles A. (1874-1948) - History professor, author of An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States (1913)
  • Becker, Carl (1873-1945) - American historian
  • Bellairs, Carlyon (1871-1955) - British Royal Navy officer and politician
  • Bell, Alexander Graham (1847-1922) - Scientist, inventor of the telphone
  • Bell, Art (1945-2018) - Original host of syndicated all-night radio show "Coast to Coast AM"
  • Bellay, Joachim du (1522-1560) - French poet of the La Pléiade group
  • Bell, Daniel (1919-2011) - Sociology professor, author of The End of Ideology (1960)
  • Bennett, Arnold (1867-1931) - English novelist, author of Anna of the Five Towns (1902)
  • Bennett, R. B. (1870-1947) - Canadian politician, prime minister of Canada (1930-1935)
  • Benson, Bruce L. (1949- ) - Professor of economics at Florida State University
  • Bergen, Candice (1946- ) - American movie and TV actress
  • Bergman, Ingrid (1915-1982) - Swedish-born Hollywood actress, winner of three Oscars, portrayed Ilsa in Casablanca
  • Berners-Lee, Tim (1955- ) - Computer scientist, inventor of the World Wide Web
  • Bethell, Tom (1936-2021) - Senior editor of The American Spectator
  • Beveridge, William (1879-1963) - British economist and Member of Parliament
  • Bezos, Jeff (1964- ) - Founder and chief executive of
  • Bidinotto, Robert (1949- ) - Novelist, editor-in-chief of The New Individualist (2005-2008)
  • Billaud-Varenne, Jean-Nicolas (1756-1819) - French lawyer and revolutionary
  • Birch, Louise ( -1976) - Co-founder of Birch-Wathen School in New York City
  • Bismarck, Otto von (1815-1898) - Prussian politician, first chancellor of the German Empire (1871-1890)
  • Blackstone, William (1723-1780) - 18th century English jurist, author of Commentaries on the Laws of England
  • Blanc, Louis (1811-1882) - French socialist politician, author of Organisation du travail (1839)
  • Blinder, Alan S. - American economist, vice chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (1994-1996)
  • Bloch, Ernst (1885-1977) - German Marxist philosopher, author of Das Prinzip Hoffnung (The Principle of Hope)
  • Blundell, John (1952-2014) - Economist, director and fellow of the Institute of Economic Affairs
  • Bock, Alan (1943-2011) - Former senior editorial writer for The Orange County Register
  • Bogart, Humphrey (1899-1957) - American Oscar-winning actor, star of The African Queen, Casablanca and The Caine Mutiny
  • Boortz, Neal (1945- ) - Nationally syndicated radio talk show host, political commentator and author
  • Boothe Luce, Clare (1903-1987) - Writer and politician, member of the United States House of Representatives from Connecticut (1943-1947)
  • Borah, William (1865-1940) - Politician, United States senator from Idaho (1907-1940)
  • Borglum, Gutzon (1867-1941) - American sculptor, designer of the Mount Rushmore memorial
  • Borlaug, Norman (1914-2009) - Agricultural scientist, the "father of the Green Revolution"
  • Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne (1627-1704) - French bishop, orator and author of Discours sur l'Histoire universelle (1681)
  • Bourne, Randolph (1886-1918) - American writer, noted for the phrase "war is the health of the state"
  • Bow, Frank T. (1901-1972) - Politician, member of the United States House of Representatives from Ohio (1951-1972)
  • Boyd, Richard - Professor of political science, author of Uncivil Society: The Perils of Pluralism and the Making of Modern Liberalism (2004)
  • Boyle Jr., Howard H. (1921-1991) - American lawyer, candidate for United States senator from Wisconsin (1956, 1957 special election)
  • Bradbury, Ray (1920-2012) - Science fiction writer, author of Fahrenheit 451 and The Martian Chronicles
  • Brando, Marlon (1924-2004) - American film and stage actor
  • Brand, Stewart (1938- ) - Creator of The Whole Earth Catalog
  • Branson, Richard (1950- ) - Founder and chairman of Virgin Group, Ltd.
  • Breggin, Peter (1936- ) - Psychiatrist and author, founder of The International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology
  • Bresiger, Gregory - Business writer, author of Personal Finance For People Who Hate Personal Finance (2010)
  • Bricker, John W. (1893-1986) - Politician, United States senator from Ohio (1947-1959)
  • Bridges, Jeff (1949- ) - Actor and producer, starred in The Big Lebowski and Tucker: The Man and His Dream
  • Brin, David (1950- ) - American science fiction writer, winner of several Nebula, Hugo and LOCUS Best Novel awards
  • Brittain, Vera (1893-1970) - English writer, author of Testament of Youth (1933)
  • Broderick, Matthew (1962- ) - Film and stage actor, probably best known for Ferris Bueller's Day Off
  • Brooke, Rupert (1887-1915) - English poet, noted for his World War I sonnets
  • Brosnan, Pierce (1953- ) - Irish actor, best known for portraying James Bond in four films
  • Brown, Clarence J. (1893-1965) - Politician, member of the United States House of Representatives from Ohio (1939-1965)
  • Brownell Jr., Herbert (1904-1996) - Politician, United States Attorney General (1953-1957)
  • Brudnoy, David (1940-2004) - Host of "The David Brudnoy Show" on WBZ NewsRadio 1030
  • Bruno, Giordano (1548-1600) - Italian philosopher and cosmologist, burned alive by the Roman Inquisition
  • Brutus, Marcus Junius (MARCVS IVNIVS BRVTVS; 85-42 BCE) - Roman politician, one of the leaders of the group which assassinated Julius Cesar
  • Brynner, Yul (1920-1985) - Hollywood actor, winner of Best Actor Oscar for The King and I
  • Buckley, Charles A. (1890-1967) - Politician, member of the United States House of Representatives from New York (1935-1965)
  • Buckley Jr., William F. (1925-2008) - American political writer, founder of National Review
  • Buffett, Howard (1903-1964) - Businessman and politician, member of the United States House of Representatives from Nebraska (1943-49, 1951-53)
  • Bukharin, Nikolay (Никола́й Буха́рин; 1888-1938) - Russian Bolshevik revolutionary and theoretician
  • Bunyan, John (1628-1688) - English preacher and writer, author of The Pilgrim's Progress
  • Burdick, Usher L. (1879-1960) - Politician, member of the United States House of Representatives from North Dakota (1935-1945, 1949-1959)
  • Burns, Arthur F. (1904-1987) - American economist, chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (1970-1978)
  • Burns, Gene (1940-2013) - Host of "The Gene Burns Program" radio show
  • Burns, Robert (1759-1796) - Scottish poet, author of Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect
  • Burroughs, William S. (1914-1997) - 20th century American writer
  • Burrus, Sextus Afranius (SEXTVS AFRANIVS BVRRVS; 1-62) - Prefect of the Praetorian Guard who, along with Seneca, advised emperor Nero during the early years of his reign
  • Butler, Pierce (1866-1939) - Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court in the early 20th century
  • Bylund, Per - Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at Oklahoma State University, senior fellow of the Mises Institute
  • Byrd, Harry F. (1887-1966) - Politician, United States senator from Virginia (1933-1965)