Human beings, each considered as a single actor within society
Featured Individuals
- Smith, Adam (1723-1790) - Eighteenth century Scottish economist, author of The Wealth of Nations
- Spencer, Herbert (1820-1903) - 19th century English philosopher
- Spooner, Lysander (1808-1887) - Lawyer, abolitionist, entrepreneur, legal theorist and political radical
- Szasz, Thomas (1920-2012) - Psychiatry professor, author of The Myth of Mental Illness (1961)
Notable Individuals
- Say, Jean-Baptiste (1767-1832) - 18th-19th century French economist
- Schoolland, Ken - Professor of Economics, author of The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible
- Schulman, J. Neil (1953-2019) - American science fiction writer, winner of Prometheus Best Novel and Hall of Fame awards
- Schumpeter, Joseph (1883-1950) - 20th century Austrian economist
- Sciabarra, Chris Matthew (1960- ) - Politics scholar at New York University, editor of The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies
- Scientists - Researchers of the natural sciences
- Senior, Nassau William (1790-1864) - Nineteenth century English economist
- Sennholz, Hans (1922-2007) - German-American economist of the Austrian School
- Shaffer, Butler (1935-2019) - Professor of law at Southwestern University
- Sidney, Algernon (1623-1683) - 17th century British Member of Parliament
- Simon, Julian (1932-1998) - Professor of Business Administration, author
- Sirico, Robert (1951- ) - Co-founder and President of the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty
- Skousen, Mark (1947- ) - Author, investment advisor, professor of Economics
- Smith, George H. (1949-2022) - Writer, author of Why Atheism?
- Smith, Vernon L. (1927- ) - 2002 Nobel Prize winner in Economic Sciences
- Sobran, Joseph (1946-2010) - Nationally syndicated columnist, past Senior Editor for National Review
- Sociologists - Students of society and social institutions
- Sowell, Thomas (1930- ) - Author, syndicated columnist, fellow at the Hoover Institution
- Stigler, George (1911-1991) - 20th century American economist, winner of the 1982 Nobel Prize in economics
- Stossel, John (1947- ) - Host of "Stossel" show on Fox Business channel and former ABC News correspondent for the "20/20" newsmagazine
- Stromberg, Joseph R. - Historian, research fellow at The Independent Institute
- Sullum, Jacob (1965- ) - Senior editor of Reason, nationally syndicated columnist
- Sumner, William Graham (1840-1910) - Nineteenth century professor of political and social science at Yale University
Other Individuals
- Sagan, Carl (1934-1996) - American astrophysicist and popular science writer
- Saint-Cricq, Pierre de (1772-1854) - French customs official and politician
- Saint-Just, Louis de (1767-1794) - French revolutionary, member of the Convention nationale (1792-94) and the Comité de salut public (1793-94)
- Saint-Simon, Henri de (1760-1825) - French political theorist, author of L'Industrie (1816-17) and Nouveau christianisme (1825)
- Salerno, Joseph (1950- ) - American economist of the Austrian school, professor at Pace University
- Salvemini, Gaetano (1873-1957) - Italian historian, co-author of What to do with Italy (1943)
- Sandefur, Timothy - Vice president for litigation at the Goldwater Institute
- Schiff, Irwin (1928-2015) - American author, tax protester, 1996 Libertarian Party presidential aspirant
- Scholl, Hans (1918-1943) - Member of the White Rose resistance group in Nazi Germany
- Scholl, Sophie (1921-1943) - Member of the White Rose resistance group in Nazi Germany
- Schutz, Alfred (1899-1959) - 20th century Austrian philosopher and sociologist
- Scipio Africanus (PVBLIVS CORNELIVS SCIPIO AFRICANVS; 236-183 BCE) - Roman general and politician, noted for his victory over Hannibal at the Battle of Zama (202 BCE)
- Scofield, Paul (1922-2008) - English Oscar-winning film and stage actor, portrayed Sir Thomas More in A Man for All Seasons
- Segal, Bernard G. (1907-1997) - American lawyer
- Selgin, George (1957- ) - Economist, professor at the University of Georgia, director of the Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives at the Cato Institute
- Selleck, Tom (1945- ) - Film and TV actor, starred in TV series "Magnum, P.I."
- Sellers, Peter (1925-1980) - British comedian and actor, best known as the original Inspector Cloiseau
- Semmel, Bernard (1928-2008) - American historian, author of Imperialism and Social Reform: English Social-Imperial Thought, 1895-1914 (1960)
- Seneca (LVCIVS ANNAEVS SENECA; 4 BCE-65) - Roman Stoic philosopher, author of Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium
- Sennholz, Mary (1913-2017) - Author, staff at the Foundation for Economic Education and wife of Hans F. Sennholz
- Serres, Olivier de (1539-1619) - French agronomist, author of Le théâtre d’agriculture et mesnage des champs (1600)
- Severin, Jay (1951-2020) - Host of "Extreme Games" on Boston's 96.9 FM Talk radio (WTKK)
- Shakespeare, William (1564-1616) - English playwright, poet and actor, known as the Bard of Avon
- Shaw, George Bernard (1856-1950) - British playwright, member of the Fabian Society, winner of the 1925 Nobel Prize in Literature
- Shaw, Robert (1927-1978) - English film and stage actor, portrayed shark hunter Quint in Jaws
- Shaw, Sandy (1943- ) - Expert in anti-aging research and brain biochemistry
- Shearmur, Jeremy (1948- ) - Professor of philosophy, author of The Political Thought of Karl Popper (1996)
- Shearon, Marjorie O'Connell (1890-1974) - American paleontologist and opponent of universal health insurance
- Shermer, Michael (1954- ) - Founding publisher of Skeptic magazine, Executive Director of the Skeptics Society
- Shields, Murray - American economist, director of the National Bureau of Economic Research (1957-1962, 1968)
- Shockley, William (1910-1989) - Physicist, joint winner of Nobel Prize for discovery of transistor effect
- Siler, Eugene (1900-1987) - Politician, member of the United States House of Representatives from Kentucky (1955-1965)
- Sīmǎ Guāng (司馬光; 1019-1086) - Chinese historian
- Sīmǎ Qiān (司馬遷; 145-87 BCE) - Chinese historian, author of the Shǐjì, or Records of the Grand Historian
- Simonides of Ceos (Σιμωνίδης ὁ Κεῖος; 556-468 BCE) - Greek lyric poet
- Simons, Henry C. (1899-1946) - Professor of economics at the University of Chicago
- Sitch, Rob (1962- ) - Australian director, producer, screenwriter, actor and comedian
- Slagle, Tim (1958- ) - Political satirist and stand-up comic
- Slampyak, Ted (1965- ) - Comic strip artist, creator of the Jazz Age Chronicles, currently drawing the "Annie" strip
- Smith, Al (1873-1944) - Politician, governor of New York (1919-1920, 1923-1928)
- Smith, Frederick C. (1884-1956) - Politician, member of the United States House of Representatives from Ohio (1939-1951)
- Smith, Gerrit (1797-1874) - American abolitionist, member of the United States House of Representatives from New York (1854-1854)
- Smith, Howard W. (1883-1976) - Politician, member of the United States House of Representatives from Virginia (1931-1967)
- Smith, Jr., Fred L. (1940-2024) - President and founder of the Competitive Enterprise Institute
- Smith, L. Neil (1946-2021) - American science fiction writer, three-time winner of the Prometheus Best Novel Award
- Smith, Will (1968- ) - American TV and film actor, producer and rapper
- Smoot, Dan (1913-2003) - American political activist, publisher of The Dan Smoot Report (1957-1971)
- Snow, Tony (1955-2008) - Host of the "Tony Snow Show" on Fox News Radio
- Socrates (469-399 BCE) - Greek philosopher, teacher of Plato and Xenophon
- Solon (Σόλων; 630-560 BCE) - Greek politician and lawmaker
- Sommers, Christina Hoff (1950- ) - Former philosophy professor, author of Who Stole Feminism?
- Sòng Huīzōng (宋徽宗; 1082-1135) - Emperor of China from 1100 to 1126
- Soto Polar, Hernando de (1941- ) - Economist, founder of Instituto Libertad y Democracia
- Sparkman, John (1899-1985) - Politician, United States senator from Alabama (1946-1979)
- Spence, Brent (1874-1967) - Politician, member of the United States House of Representatives from Kentucky (1931-1963)
- Spielberg, Steven (1946- ) - American movie director and producer, Oscar winner for Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan
- Spinoza, Baruch (1632-1677) - Dutch philosopher, author of Ethica, Ordine Geometrico demonstrata (1677)
- Stalin, Joseph (Иосиф Сталин; 1878-1953) - Russian revolutionary, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1922-1952)
- Stallone, Sylvester (1946- ) - American actor and director, best known for portraying Rocky and Rambo
- Stanhope, Doug (1967- ) - American stand-up comic, host of "The Man Show"
- Stassen, Harold (1907-2001) - Politician, governor of Minnesota (1939-1943)
- Stata, Raymie (1968- ) - Computer scientist and entrepreneur
- Stephan, Doug (1946- ) - Nationally syndicated radio host of the "Doug Stephan's Good Day" show
- Stern, Howard (1954- ) - "The King of All Media"
- Stevenson II, Adlai (1900-1965) - Politician, governor of Illinois (1949-1953), Democratic presidential candidate in 1952 and 1956
- Stewart, James (1908-1997) - American film and stage actor with a long and distinguished career
- St. George, Katharine (1894-1983) - Politician, member of the United States House of Representatives from New York (1947-1965)
- Stolyarov II, Gennady (1987- ) - Belarussian-American transhumanist, author of Death is Wrong (2014)
- Stone, Christopher D. (1937-2021) - American professor of law, proponent of legal standing for trees
- Stone, Matt (1971- ) - Co-creator and executive producer of "South Park"
- Stone, Oliver (1946- ) - Oscar-winning film director, screenwriter and producer
- Strauß und Torney, Viktor von (1809-1899) - German scholar, publisher of the first German translations of the Dào Dé Jīng and the Shījīng
- Sulla (LVCIVS CORNELIVS SVLLA FELIX; 138-78 BCE) - Roman general and dictator of the Republic (82-79 BCE)
- Sutherland, George (1862-1942) - Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court in the early 20th century
- Sykes, Charlie (1954- ) - Author, radio talk show host at WTMJ in Milwaukee, Wisconsin