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Freedom Circle

Where Can You Find Freedom Today?

Human beings, each considered as a single actor within society

Featured Individuals

Notable Individuals

Other Individuals

  • Mably, Gabriel Bonnot de (1709-1785) - French philosopher, author of Des droits et des devoirs du citoyen
  • MacArthur, Douglas (1880-1964) - American general, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (1945-1951)
  • MacCallum, Spencer H. (1931-2020) - Anthropologist, author of The Art of Community (1970)
  • MacGregor, David - Bitcoin advocate and enthusiast
  • Machiavelli, Niccolò (1469-1527) - Florentine political philosopher, author of Il Principe (1532)
  • Machlup, Fritz (1902-1983) - 20th century Austro-American economist
  • Mackay, John Henry (1864-1933) - Scottish-German writer, author of Die Anarchisten (1891)
  • Mack, Eric (1946- ) - Philosopher, professor at Tulane University
  • Mackey, John (1953- ) - Founder and CEO of Whole Foods Market, Inc. (1980-2022)
  • Mackinder, Halford (1861-1947) - British geographer and politician
  • Mack, Richard (1952- ) - Former Sheriff of Graham County, Ariz., challenged "Brady Bill"
  • MacLeod, Ken (1954- ) - Scottish science fiction writer, winner of the 1998 and 1996 Prometheus Awards
  • Macrinus (MARCVS OPELLIVS MACRINVS; 165-218) - Roman emperor in 217-218 CE
  • Madonna (1958- ) - American singer, dancer and actress
  • Magnuson, Warren (1905-1989) - Politician, United States senator from Washington (1944-1981)
  • Maher, Bill (1956- ) - Host of HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher," creator of Comedy Central/ABC's "Politically Incorrect"
  • Maine, Henry James Sumner (1822-1888) - British jurist and historian, author of Ancient Law (1861)
  • Malcolm X (1925-1965) - Civil rights activist
  • Malkin, Michelle (1970- ) - Syndicated columnist, recipient of 1998 Second Amendment Foundation's James Madison Award
  • Malone, George W. (1890-1961) - Politician, United States senator from Nevada (1947-1959)
  • Malone, Sean - Creative Director at the Foundation for Economic Education (2016-2022)
  • Malthus, Thomas (1766-1834) - English economist, author of An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798)
  • Mandela, Nelson (1918-2013) - First President of South Africa after repeal of apartheid
  • Manion, Clarence E. (1896-1979) - 20th century American, dean of the Law School at the University of Notre Dame
  • Máo Zédōng (毛泽东; 1893-1976) - Chinese communist leader
  • Maravillosa, Sunni - Libertarian blogger
  • Marconi, Guglielmo (1874-1937) - Physicist and inventor of wireless telegraphy or radio
  • Marcus, Bernard K. (1890-1954) - Banking executive, president of Bank of United States
  • Markowitz, Harry M. (1927-2023) - 20th century American economist, winner of the 1990 Nobel Prize in economics
  • Marshall, Alfred (1842-1924) - 19th century English economist
  • Marshall, John (1755-1835) - Fourth Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court
  • Martineau, James (1805-1900) - British Unitarian philosopher
  • Martin, James J. (1916-2004) - Historian, author of Men Against the State: The Expositors of Individualist Anarchism in America, 1827–1908 (1953)
  • Martin Jr., Joseph W. (1884-1968) - Politician, member of the United States House of Representatives from Massachusetts (1925-1967)
  • Marvell, Andrew (1621-1678) - English poet and politician, Member of Parliament for Kingston upon Hull (1659-1678)
  • Marx, Groucho (1890-1977) - American Emmy-winning comedian, host of "You Bet Your Life"
  • Marx, Harpo (1888-1964) - American comedian, one of the Marx Brothers, noted for silent roles and harp playing
  • Marx, Karl (1818-1883) - German philosopher and economist, author of Das Kapital and Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei
  • Masters, William H. (1915-2001) - American gynecologist, member of the Masters and Johnson sexual research team
  • Matalin, Mary (1953- ) - Political commentator, co-host of CNN's "Crossfire", host of "The Mary Matalin Show"
  • Mattern, Cody (1981- ) - Fencing instructor, winner of five national titles in épeé fencing
  • Maxse, Leopold (1864-1932) - British journalist, editor of the British magazine National Review
  • Maxwell, James Clerk (1831-1879) - Physicist, author of "A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field" (1865)
  • May, Randolph J. - Founder and president of The Free State Foundation
  • McCain, John (1936-2018) - Republican Senator from Arizona, 2008 Republican Presidential candidate
  • McCarthy, Joseph (1908-1957) - Politician, United States senator from Wisconsin (1947-1957)
  • McCarthy, Kevin (1914-2010) - American film, stage and TV actor, star of Invasion of the Body Snatchers
  • McCloskey, Deirdre (1942- ) - Economist, historian, author of The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce (2006)
  • McCormack, John W. (1891-1980) - Politician, member of the United States House of Representatives from Massachusetts (1928-1971)
  • McCormick, Robert (1880-1955) - Publisher of the Chicago Tribune
  • McKern, Leo (1920-2002) - Australian-born English film, TV and stage actor
  • McPherson, Scott - Policy advisor at The Future of Freedom Foundation, author of Freedom and Security: The Second Amendment and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (2015)
  • McQueen, Steve (1930-1980) - American movie actor
  • Means, Russell (1939-2012) - American Indian Movement activist, actor, singer
  • Medhurst, Walter Henry (1796-1857) - English missionary, compiler of the Chinese and English Dictionary (1842)
  • Melanie (1947-2024) - American singer and songwriter
  • Melun, Armand de (1807-1877) - French politician
  • Mencius (孟子; 372-289 BCE) - Chinese Confucian philosopher
  • Meredith, Christopher Todd - Professor of philosophy
  • Messalina (VALERIA MESSALINA; 20-48) - Third wife of Roman emperor Claudius
  • Meyer, Frank S. (1909-1972) - 20th century American journalist, editor of National Review
  • Milan, Victor (1954-2018) - American science fiction writer, winner of the 1986 Prometheus Award
  • Milchman, Alan (1940-2021) - Professor of philosophy and political science at Queens College, City University of New York
  • Milestone, Lewis (1895-1980) - American film director, winner of two Oscars for best director
  • Milken, Michael (1946- ) - American investment banker, noted for involvement in high-yield bonds
  • Miller, Dennis (1953- ) - American stand-up comedian, Emmy award winner for "Dennis Miller Live"
  • Miller, Fred - Professor of philosophy, author of Nature, Justice, and Rights in Aristotle's Politics (1995)
  • Miller, Lucille (1930-1986) - American housewife and mother, tried and convicted for the murder of her husband
  • Million, Tiffany (1966- ) - Professional name of former porn actress and wrestler, now known as Sandra Scott
  • Mill, James (1773-1836) - 18th/19th century Scottish economist
  • Milner, Alfred (1854-1925) - British politician, administrator of British southern Africa colonies
  • Miltiades (Μιλτιάδης; 554-489 BCE) - Athenian general, one of the Greek commanders at the battle of Marathon (490 BCE), in which they defeated the Persian invaders of King Darius I
  • Mimerel, Auguste (1786-1871) - French industrialist and politician
  • Miron, Jeffrey (1957- ) - Professor of economics at Harvard University
  • Mises, Margit von (1890-1993) - German actress, wife of Ludwig von Mises and mother of journalist Gitta Sereny
  • Mithradates VI Eupator (Μιθραδάτης Εὐπάτωρ Δῐόνῡσος; 135-63 BCE) - King of Pontus (120-63 BCE), who, after the death of his father by poisoning, made himself immune by drinking non-lethal doses
  • Moby (1965- ) - American techno and dance musician
  • Molotov, Vyacheslav (Вячеслав Молотов; 1890-1986) - Russian politician, first deputy chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers (1942-1957)
  • Molyneux, Stefan (1966- ) - Host of "Freedomain Radio," billed as "the largest and most popular philosophy show"
  • Montalembert, Charles de (1810-1870) - French historian and politician
  • Monteleone, Thomas F. (1946- ) - American novelist and editor, winner of Bram Stoker Award
  • Montesquieu (1689-1755) - French political philosopher, author of De l'esprit des loix (1748)
  • Montessori, Maria (1870-1952) - Originator of the individualist Montessori educational method
  • Moon, Keith (1946-1978) - Drummer for the rock band the Who
  • Moore, Gordon (1929-2023) - Engineer, co-founder of Intel Corporation
  • Moore, Stephen (1960- ) - President of the Free Enterprise Fund
  • Morelly, Étienne-Gabriel (1717-1778) - French philosopher, author of Essai sur l’esprit humain (1743)
  • Morgan, J. P. (1837-1913) - American financier, founder of J.P. Morgan & Co.
  • Morgenstern, Oskar (1902-1977) - 20th century German-born economist
  • Moriarty, Michael (1941- ) - American film and TV actor, winner of two Emmy Awards
  • Morrison, Robert (1782-1834) - British missionary and sinologist, compiler of A Dictionary of the Chinese Language (1815-1823)
  • Morris, Robert (1734-1806) - Signer of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation and Constitution
  • Mosby, John S. (1833-1916) - American Confederate fighter, known as the "Gray Ghost"
  • Mosley, Oswald (1896-1980) - British politician, founder of the British Union of Fascists
  • Mote, Frederick W. (1922-2005) - American sinologist and history professor
  • Mullendore, William C. (1892-1983) - American businessman, executive of Southern California Edison (1945-1959), trustee of the Foundation for Economic Education
  • Muller, John - American civil engineer, co-founder of Laissez Faire Books
  • Muller, Mancow (1966- ) - Chicago-based syndicated radio "shock jock"
  • Mullis, Kary (1944- ) - 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for invention of the Polymerase Chain Reaction method
  • Murdoch, Lachlan (1971- ) - Former Deputy Chief Operating Officer of News Corporation
  • Murray, Bill (1950- ) - American comedian and movie and TV actor, Oscar-nominated for Lost in Translation
  • Murray, James E. (1876-1961) - Politician, United States senator from Montana (1934-1961)
  • Mussolini, Benito (1883-1945) - Italian dictator, founder of the Partito Nazionale Fascista