Human beings, each considered as a single actor within society
Featured Individuals
- Friedman, Milton (1912-2006) - 1976 Nobel Prize winner in Economic Sciences
Notable Individuals
- Ferguson, Adam (1723-1816) - 18th century Scottish philosopher and historian
- Fetter, Frank (1863-1949) - 20th century American professor of economics
- Flynn, John T. (1882-1964) - American journalist, author of The Roosevelt Myth
- Founding Fathers - Leading individuals in founding of the United States
- Franklin, Benjamin (1706-1790) - 18th century American printer, inventor and statesman
- Friedman, David D. (1945- ) - Professor of Law and Economics
- Fritz, Marshall (1943-2008) - President of Alliance for the Separation of School and State
Other Individuals
- Farrar, Frederic (1831-1903) - Cleric of the Church of England, author of An Essay on the Origin of Language
- Fénelon, François (1651-1715) - French archbishop, author of Les aventures de Télémaque (1699)
- Ferrara, Peter J. (1955- ) - Lawyer and policy analyst
- Fertig, Lawrence (1898-1986) - American journalist, economics columnist for the New York World-Telegram and The New York Sun
- Field, Stephen Johnson (1816-1899) - Nineteenth century American lawyer and Supreme Court Justice
- Filmer, Robert (1588-1653) - English political theorist, author of Patriarcha (1680)
- Finch, Peter (1916-1977) - British stage and film actor, winner of Best Actor Oscar for Network
- Fineman, Howard (1948- ) - Journalist, senior Washington correspondent for Newsweek (1980-2010)
- Finer, Herman (1898-1969) - Professor of political science at the University of Chicago, author of Road to Reaction (1945)
- Fisher, Antony (1915-1988) - Founder of the Atlas Network and the Institute of Economic Affairs
- Fitzgerald, F. Scott (1896-1940) - American novelist, author of The Great Gatsby
- Flake, Jeff (1962- ) - Arizona Senator
- Fleming, Thomas (1945- ) - Writer, editor of Chronicles magazine, former president of the Rockford Institute
- Flew, Antony (1923-2010) - British philosopher, emeritus professor of philosophy, University of Reading
- Flood, Curt (1938-1997) - Baseball outfielder with the St. Louis Cardinals during the 1960's
- Flynn, Michael (1947-2023) - American science fiction writer, winner of 1991 and co-winner of 1992 Prometheus Awards
- Flynt, Larry (1942-2021) - Publisher of Hustler magazine
- Foley, Mark (1954- ) - Florida Congressman
- Ford, Gerald (1913-2006) - Thirty-eighth president of the United States
- Ford, Harrison (1942- ) - American movie actor, recipient of 2000 AFI Life Achievement Award
- Ford, Henry (1863-1947) - American automobile entrepreneur, founder of Ford Motor Company
- Ford, John (1894-1973) - American movie director, winner of four Best Director Oscars
- Forman, Miloš (1932-2018) - Czech movie director, won Oscars for One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Amadeus
- Fourier, Charles (1772-1837) - French utopian socialist, proponent of community living in building named phalanstères
- Franco, Francisco (1892-1975) - Spanish general, dictator of Spain (1939-1975)
- Frankfurter, Felix (1882-1965) - Austrian-born Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1939-1962)
- Friedlander, Lanny (1947-2011) - Founder of Reason magazine
- Fulbright, J. William (1905-1995) - Politician, United States senator from Arkansas (1945-1974)
- Fulks, Robbie (1963- ) - American country singer and songwriter
- Fund, John (1957- ) - Columnist and editorial board member of the Wall Street Journal
- Fylstra, Dan - President of Frontline Systems, founder of VisiCorp