Non-profit, non-partisan libertarian educational organization
See also: FreedomPedia

Advocates for Self-Government is a non-profit, non-partisan libertarian educational organization. It was founded in 1985 by Marshall Fritz, who died on 4 November 2008. As of 2017, Michael Sertic heads the organization as its president, and Brett Bittner is the executive director. Chris Rufer is the chairman of the board of directors.
Sacramento, California
About The Advocates - The Advocates for Self-Government
To equip people to understand, embrace, and advocate the values of self-government ...
- Understanding Self-Government
Good government is no substitute for self-government. – Mohandas K. Gandhi ... - Embracing Self-Government
The qualifications for self-government in society are not innate. They are the result of habit and long training. – Thomas Jefferson ... - Advocating Self-Government
That government is best which governs not at all; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have. – Henry David Thoreau ...
Staff and Associates
Joseph BastBoard of Advisors
David BerglandBoard of Advisors
Ken BissonFounding member, past Chairman, current Board of Directors member
Walter BlockBoard of Advisors
Neal BoortzBoard of Advisors
R. W. BradfordBoard of Advisors
Barbara BrandenBoard of Advisors
Harry BrowneBoard of Advisors
Steve BucksteinBoard of Advisors
Doug CaseyBoard of Advisors
Ed ClarkBoard of Advisors
Michael CloudBoard of Advisors
Marshall FritzFounder, Board Member Emeritus
Joseph FuhrigBoard of Directors member, 1985-2003
John FundBoard of Advisors
Sharon HarrisPresident, May 1995-May 2015
John HospersBoard of Advisors
Hubert JongenBoard of Advisors
Jim LarkBoard of Directors Member, October 2003- ; Chair of the Board of Directors, May 2009-
Tibor MachanBoard of Advisors
Richard J. MayburyBoard of Advisors
Wendy McElroyBoard of Advisors
Russell MeansBoard of Advisors
Vince MillerBoard of Advisors
Tonie NathanBoard of Advisors
David NolanBoard of Advisors
Ron PaulBoard of Advisors
Robert W. Poole, Jr.Board of Advisors
Carole Ann RandPresident, 1990-1995; Chair of the Board of Directors
Andrea RichBoard of Advisors
Sheldon RichmanBoard of Advisors
Mary RuwartBoard of Advisors
Fred L. Smith, Jr.Board of Advisors
David J. TherouxBoard of Advisors
Clifford F. ThiesBoard of Advisors
Richard TimberlakeBoard of Advisors
Jarret WollsteinBoard of Advisors
Websites - The Advocates for Self-Government
Website includes the World's Smallest Political Quiz, Human Respect Tests, surveys on various issues, libertarian FAQ, libertarian movement information and advocacy programs (such as Operation Politically Homeless)
Website includes the World's Smallest Political Quiz, Human Respect Tests, surveys on various issues, libertarian FAQ, libertarian movement information and advocacy programs (such as Operation Politically Homeless)
Web Pages
David F. Nolan - The Advocates for Self-Government
Profile page: includes photo, biography and the essay "Nolan: Innovator for Liberty" by James W. Harris
Profile page: includes photo, biography and the essay "Nolan: Innovator for Liberty" by James W. Harris
Dave played with the concept until he designed what would later be known as "the Nolan Chart"—the famous two-axis political grid that is embodied in the Advocates' Diamond Chart today ... That obscurity ended abruptly when Advocates Founder Marshall Fritz—searching for new, effective ways to communicate libertarian ideas—became excited by the chart's possibilities in the early 1980's ... [Dave is] a strong supporter of the Advocates and serves on the informal advisory board that reviews significant proposed changes to the Quiz ... In 1989, the Advocates gave Dave a plaque honoring his pathbreaking insight.
Related Topics: Barry Goldwater, Libertarianism, Libertarian Party, Liberty International, David Nolan
Web Pages
The Advocates for Self-Government - YouTube
YouTube channel of the Advocates for Self-Government
YouTube channel of the Advocates for Self-Government
Libertarianism 101
Includes introductory video by Marshall Fritz, summary of libertarian principles, goals and whether libertarians are conservative or liberal
Includes introductory video by Marshall Fritz, summary of libertarian principles, goals and whether libertarians are conservative or liberal
Libertarians believe that this combination of personal and economic liberty produces abundance, peace, harmony, creativity, order and safety. Indeed, that is one of the central lessons of world history. Virtually all the progress the human race has enjoyed during the past few centuries is due to the increasing acceptance of these principles ... Libertarians believe that, on every issue, you have the right to decide for yourself what's best for you and to act on that belief as long as you respect the right of other people to do the same and deal with them peacefully and honestly.
Related Topic: Libertarianism
Libertarian Celebrities
List and short profiles of famous or notable libertarian or libertarian-leaning individuals
List and short profiles of famous or notable libertarian or libertarian-leaning individuals
Some of your favorite famous people just may be libertarian! Check out this definitive list of celebrities who believe in individual liberty, free markets, and peace. Just about everyone has libertarian views on some issues, and many people are libertarian but don't know there's a name for what they believe (or who choose not to publicly label their views). However, we have a special criteria for someone making this list: they have publicly declared themselves "libertarian."
Related Topic: Libertarianism
David Nolan: A leading 20th Century thinker?, Libertarian Party News, Aug 1999
News article about Nolan's inclusion in the book 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 20th Century, his reaction and his choices of who would he include in such a list
News article about Nolan's inclusion in the book 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 20th Century, his reaction and his choices of who would he include in such a list
Although the IBC [International Biographical Centre] did not explain their selection criteria to Nolan, he speculated his inclusion was due to the so-called Nolan Chart ... "I'm pretty sure it's because of my two-axis 'map' of the political universe," he said. "It's appeared in countless textbooks by now, and Sharon Harris at the Advocates for Self-Government told me their online Political Quiz [based on the Nolan Chart] is one of the most linked-to sites on the Web, with over 3,000 links. That's actually pretty impressive."
Related Topics: Libertarianism, David Nolan
David Nolan: An Appreciation, by Thomas L. Knapp, 25 Nov 2010
A memorial tribute to Nolan, his chart and his involvement with the libertarian movement and the LP
A memorial tribute to Nolan, his chart and his involvement with the libertarian movement and the LP
He was not the first person to propose a bi-dimensional system of political taxonomy to replace the traditional "left-right" spectrum, but his 1971 implementation of such a system, the "Nolan chart," is generally recognized as a breakthrough. As of 2008, Advocates for Self-Government had introduced 11.5 million people to the "Nolan Chart" through the World's Smallest Political Quiz online (more than 4 million of whom located themselves in the "libertarian" quadrant of the chart), and countless millions more on the ground through "Operation Politically Homeless."
Related Topics: Libertarian Party, David Nolan
The Liberator Online
E-mail, weekly, free
E-mail, weekly, free
The Liberator Online is for anyone interested in liberty — whether you are a long-time libertarian or just took the World’s Smallest Political Quiz and want to find out more.
The Libertarian Communicator
Hard copy, 2000-2005
Hard copy, 2000-2005
As the name suggests, the purpose of The Libertarian Communicator is to help libertarians become more powerful, more effective, more successful communicators of the ideas of liberty.
The introductory paragraph uses material from the Wikipedia article "Advocates for Self-Government" as of 22 Jun 2021, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.